Outstanding Questions/Requests

In an effort to find have all of our questions answered, below is a working list of outstanding questions or requests that have been made by various members of this group.
Here are the responses that the district provided as answers to the questions that residents had at the SRCA meeting on 12/08/15.  District Responses

If you have any additional questions or requests about the development that you have not had answered please write them in the comments section below and they will be added to the list.  If anyone has received answers to these questions please provide them in the comments section.

  1. Where is a copy of the districts response to the RFP-- the actual agreement?
  2. If our Mello-Roos and bond money did not go to buy the land and pay for the infrastructure of the school site in question in 1998... where has that money gone?  What money was used to purchase the land and build the school?  ----We have asked the district and they reply that Mello-Roos money was not used but they have not responded what money was used to purchase the land.
  3. What other developers even looked at the RFP?  There should be a log of who looked at it.
  4. If the district does not get a sponsor for the STEM lab, how much money to they estimate it will cost to supply the lab with current technology, maintain the lab, staff the lab, and pay for the bussing of students to use the lab?
  5. Specifically, how will the district comply with having no Drugs/Alcohol/Weapons or Sex Offenders within 1,000 feet from a school when the apartments will be less than that distance from the STEM lab? 

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